Don't Be Crazy!

As a mainly "ethical" vegan, I can be found trying to enlighten my sphere of influence to the cruelty that is going on in the world. Videos and pictures depicting the torture that animals face on a daily basis can be found on my Facebook and Instagram accounts. Alternative food choices flood my social media along with mouth watering pictures to help people realize that being vegan is not just about eating tofu every meal. I want people to realize that a vegan diet can be just as delicious as their animal filled dishes. I throw in a few facts about the amazing health benefits of eating plant-based for those who are mostly concerned with being healthy. I do all of this as a means to get the word out. I want people to start thinking about what they are eating and how it is affecting them, animals, and the environment.
Now what I don't do is Go Crazy! Every single post on social media is not about cruelty to animals. I do not bombard my family, friends, and followers with gruesome photos even though that is the reality of what is occurring. I do not get angry at people when they don't understand my choice. I take comments in jest and just roll with it. I don't try to tell other people how horrible they are because they choose to eat animal products. I don't force my friends and family to refrain from eating meat in front of me. I don't Go Crazy after the tenth person tells me to "Just try the chicken. One bite won't kill you.". I don't even Go Crazy when someone tells me there is "just a little bit of egg in it" or "just a little bit of milk."
You know why I don't Go Crazy? Because I was once them. I did not understand what the factories were doing to animals. I never even thought much beyond "Old McDonald Had A Farm" when thinking about where my food came from. I Understand. I am not better than anyone because of my choice and I do not act better than anyone. I have learned that keeping the door open for eventual questions is much better. I know this is true because it happens to me all the time! People are so curious about vegans and why we do what we do. I love having conversations! I have had friends and family start to embrace the thought of a life without animal products. I have people ask me all the time about recipes and what I eat. I love it! I know this happens because I have been gracious toward others. I have allowed snide comments and sarcasm to follow my posts. I have engaged in conversation and jokes all knowing that one day I will get that question, "So can you tell me more about this vegan thing?"

"I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13


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