5 Things That Change When You Become Vegan

This is just my rough list of a few things I have noticed along my journey. Enjoy!

#1. Your Relationships Change.
Many social interactions occur around food. We've all heard that people tend to "gather in the kitchen". When you decide to cut out all animal products you really tend to shine a very bright spotlight on yourself. Sure, you can still hang out but you will noticeably be the odd ball. You will be the one who eats nothing at the event because you ate earlier knowing there would be no food for you. If you do find that one thing you can eat, you are eye-balling it all night hoping it doesn't run out because those meat-eaters are eating it too! When you do find that one thing, you are then bombarded with questions as to why that is the only thing you are eating and people telling you how great all the other stuff is and you should try it. You then politely decline and then people just assume you are on a "diet". Then you get people telling you "yeah, I wish I had your willpower" or "you don't need to be on a diet!".
In the midst of all of that, you will get those who are curious as to why you eat the way you do but say, "I could never do that." So, relationships can get a bit awkward at times.

#2. You Starve.
As I mentioned above, a lot of gatherings involve food. You can usually expect that unless it is a vegan event, you will be hardpressed at finding vegan food. I have learned that if I do not either bring my own food or eat before an event, I Starve! I get so hungry that I get angry! Planning is the key to vegan eating. I always think about food for the day. Where am I going? What am I going to eat? Is there going to be enough food? I even like to think about variety. If there is only going to be salad, what can I bring to add to it? If I don't have good food on me, I'm swinging through a drive-thru and picking up some french fries. No one wants to see me Hangry!

#3. Your Body Gets Angry.
So when you decide to cut out all animal products your body will likely want to kick you in the butt or smack you in the face. Your body will do this by sending you uncontrolable cravings. You will want you favorite meat laden entree more than you ever have. You will crave that dessert that is made with cow's milk, of course! You will want that tub of chocolate peanut butter ice cream! Your body will also do this by making you feel like poo! Literally, your bowels will...well, let's just say your belly will hurt. Your body has been processing animal products for so long that it doesn't know what to do with a fully plant-based diet. Give it some time because if you can make it passed this, your body will LOVE you!

#4. You Google Everything.
Well, at least you should google everything (and by "google" I just mean research). When I decided to go vegan, I knew nothing. So I decided to start following people on social media. I didn't want to eat just processed foods that were labeled vegan. I wanted to get ideas of what I could eat and even how to make vegan food that was yummy. I also google every new restaurant before I go so I know what is on their menu and what ingredients they have. Sometimes I call the restaurant if it is not clear on the website. I have found that most places are very accommodating. Even after just being vegan for a little over 2 years, I have noticed a change where people are becoming even more accommodating. Take your time and do your research. I love to find quick and easy vegan meals to make. There are a lot out there. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions (just be nice when you do.)

#5. You Inspire People.
Even though I have received many comments that are not encouraging or supportive at all, I have noticed people opening their minds little by little. People want something to believe in. They like to see when someone is doing something that they perceive as difficult. They can start to have the mentality, "well, if she can do it then I can too!" People will see how choosing to eat plant based food has changed your life. The preconceived notions are then broken down because you are a real person that they know who is eating no animal products whatsoever. You did not die, you are sustaining a healthy lifestyle, and you are doing it all by not losing yourself. You are true to who you are. You are just an improved version. You feel tons better and so many people in this world want something to help them feel tons better too!

"The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion." Psalm 116:5


  1. Yes, please swing by for fries if you have to! Haha! But really, I am so proud of you for doing this blog and being the light and inspiration for people who are looking! 😘


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